Art Reflections

These 20 Paintings Are Every Bad Relationship Moment You’ve Had

The great art masterpieces transcend time and place to portray the full range of human emotions, especially love. However, they also capture our most mortifying relationship moments. To celebrate Valentine’s Day, here they are, commemorated in glorious oil on canvas by

  1. When your girl is emotionally unavailable.

    The Kiss - Klimt

    Gustav Klimt, The Kiss

  1. When he already knows he isn’t going to call the next day.

    William-Adolphe Bouguereau, The Abduction of Psyche, 1895

    William-Adolphe Bouguereau, The Abduction of Psyche, 1895

  2. When you think you’re having a good time at the holiday party but she’s just waiting to leave you until after the new year…

    Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Dance in the Country

    Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Dance in the Country

  1. When you realize she’s lying again and over-enthusiastically engage.

    Edouard Manet, In Pere Lathuille

    Edouard Manet, In Pere Lathuille

  2. “Well, actually…” 

    Botticelli, Giuliano de Medici

    Botticelli, Giuliano de Medici

  3. When she said she’d be ready in 5 minutes.

    Vincent Van Gogh, Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette

    Vincent Van Gogh, Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette

  1. When he tells you that you’re overly dramatic.

    John William Waterhouse, Cleopatra, 1888

    John William Waterhouse, Cleopatra, 1888

  1. When he says they’re just friends but she gives you That. Look.

    Rembrandt, Rembrandt and Saskia in the Parable of the Prodigal Son

    Rembrandt, Rembrandt and Saskia in the Parable of the Prodigal Son

  1. When you fully commit to faking an illness just to get away from her.

    Botticelli, Birth of Venus (left panel)

    Botticelli, Birth of Venus (left panel)

  1. When your dates leave you for other dudes they met at the bar.

    Paul Cezanne, Card Players with Pipes

    Paul Cezanne, Card Players with Pipes

  1. When you PRAY no one sees you out with this guy.

    Edward Hopper, New York Restaurant

    Edward Hopper, New York Restaurant

  1. When she never buys her own drinks.

    Edouard Manet, Cafe Concert

    Edouard Manet, Cafe Concert

  1. When she hasn’t realized you tossed your hearing aids in the trash over five years ago.

    Edward Hopper, Four Lane Road, 1956

    Edward Hopper, Four Lane Road, 1956

  1. When the first kiss starts out awkward and just gets worse from there.

    Nora Shepley, Picasso by Nora, Give Me a Little Kiss

    Nora Shepley, Picasso by Nora, Give Me a Little Kiss

  1. When you literally have to cut off your hand to get him to pay attention to you.

    Edward Hopper, Room in New York

    Edward Hopper, Room in New York

  1. When they just won’t take the hint.

    Edouard Manet, In the Conservatory

    Edouard Manet, In the Conservatory

  1. When you need “me time” but she knows all your hiding places.

    Winslow Homer, On the Fence

    Winslow Homer, On the Fence

  1. Praying for forgiveness on your walk of shame.

    Botticelli, St. Dominic

    Botticelli, St. Dominic

  1. How you sleep knowing you’ll never have to see them again.

    Gustav Klimt, Sea Serpents IV (modest)

    Gustav Klimt, Sea Serpents IV (modest)

  1. The exact moment it finally clicks that all of your friends were right—she really IS insane.

    Edvard Munch, The Scream

    Edvard Munch, The Scream

I guess it ain’t all hearts and flowers all the time. It really does depend how you look at it 🙂 Let me know if you have other works of art in mind that could fit the bill as capturing bad relationship moments.

About the Author

Amitai Sasson of is an art world traveler on a mission to seek out the beauty and passion of the art world. As an avid enthusiast of art and oil paintings, he contributes to as Chief editor and writer.