Art & Decor Trends

Take Dad on a Wonderful Art Adventure This Father’s Day

It is that time of year again, when we celebrate the paternal figures in our lives for Father’s Day. This year, why not give your father a gift that will inspire him to venture out into the world, while still enjoying the comforts of home. Here is a short list of some of our favorite adventure seeking paintings. We know that your father will love the excitement each of them brings to a room.

Jose Maria Velasco-Flora and Fauna of the Plio-Pleistocene Quaternary Period

Flora and Fauna of the Plio-Pleistocene Quaternary Period was painted by Jose Maria Velasco. This artist was known for his well-rounded education on many different topics in addition to painting. Velasco spent much of his time studying nature and depicting a rich in color composition. In this particular piece we are able to step back in time with the delicate details added to the plants and the wildlife.

Father's Day Art - Albrecht Durer, Pond in the Woods.

Albrecht Durer-Pond in the Woods

Pond in the Woods by Albrecht Durer was originally painted with watercolor and depicts pine trees around a pond, thought to be near Nuremberg, rendered with painstaking detail. The water seems to stretch out far into the distance while the colors delicately change from deep blue to brown with the setting sun reflecting back on the water.

Father's Day Art - Henri Rousseau
Eclaireurs Attaques par un Tigre

Henri Roussea-Eclaireurs Attaques par un Tigre

Fans of Henri Rousseau will immediately recognize Eclaireurs Attaques par Un Tigreas, as it features Rousseau’s trademark style and subject matter. The artist had an undeniable obsession with painting scenes from the jungle. Although he claimed to have traveled to the jungle in Mexico during his lifetime, Rousseau in fact never left France. Eclaireurs Attaques par Un Tigre shows a tiger stalking his prey before a tropical background.

Father's Day Art - HiroshigeDescending Geese at Katada, No. 6 from Eight Views of Omi

Hiroshige-Descending Geese at Katada, No. 6 from Eight Views of Omi

Hiroshige was known for his stunning pieces of art, but works like Descending Geese at Katada, No. 6 from Eight Views of Omi set him apart from other ukiyo-e artists of his time. This Japanese woodblock print showcases one of the eight views of the Omi Province captured in his iconic collection. In this particular scene, the light is dimming over the horizon, creating a peaceful scene with boats drifting quietly on the water.

Theodor Kittelsen-Askeladdens Adventure II

Askeladdens Adventure II is a beautiful painting by Norwegian artist Theodor Kittelsen. He is one of the most popular artists in Norway. Kittelsen became famous for his nature paintings, as well as for his illustrations of fairy tales and legends, especially of trolls. This particular piece shows the comical appearance of a bear surprising a young man as he is traveling through the woods. It is painted in deep, beautiful colors that add energy to the scene.

This is only a small sampling of the variety we offer those looking for a thrilling scene. If you would like to see more, feel free to browse our Best sellers Gallery. Like a good imagination, the possibilities are endless and your father will enjoy any of the pieces you select for him.

About the Author

Amanda graduated from the University of Kansas, where she studied English literature and got a masters degree in library sciences. She enjoys reading, cooking and playing with her nephews. Her best friend is her little dog Brady.