Gustav Klimt

New York’s First Immersive Exhibit Hall Takes a Break from Art

Hall des Lumières was the first fully immersive art hall to...

Lost Gustav Klimt Painting Portrait Sold at Vienna Auction for $32M Amidst Nazi Loot Speculations

The Record-Breaking Sale The ‘Lost’ Gustav Klimt painting Portrait of Fraulein...

New Interpretation of the Kiss, Inspired by War Torn Ukraine

Currently, the country of Ukraine is in the world’s focus because...

Top Ten of 2019

As the year draws to a close, we here at

Lazy Days Art

As the summer draws to a close, it is easy to...

Top 5 Ornaments, Great Gifts!

What better way to get a break from the summer heat...

Wine and Art: The Perfect Pairing.

Nothing helps you relax after a long day than a glass...

L’Atelier des Lumières Brings Vincent van Gogh to Life

Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most famous and easily...

Employee Picks: Kara

Kara is our Sales Assistant. She helps our sales and marketing...

Gifts for Everyone

We here at overstockArt understand how difficult it can be to...

Modern Day Masters Collection

To copy someone is considered to be the highest form of...

In Celebration of Gustav Klimt

On July 14th we will celebrate the 156th birthday of Gustav...

A Walk in the Park

April is often thought of as the beginning of spring; the...

An Unlikely Friendship: Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele

This year will mark the 100 year anniversary of the death...

Art in Film

When we bring a piece of art into our lives sometimes...

Art in Support of National ‘Wear Red’ Day

National Wear Red Day is meant to draw attention and awareness...

Top Ten for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is the perfect time to celebrate the magic of...

Cashing in on Klimt

Gustav Klimt is breaking sales records once again, according to numerous...

The Top Ten Paintings for Mother’s Day 2017

Online gallery of handmade oil paintings has released the 2017...

Art to Adore: Your Top Ten Romantic Paintings for Valentine’s Day

Love it or hate it, Valentine's Day is here again. Lovers...

Van Gogh Defeated? Check Out This Surprising “Top 10 Art for 2016” Infographic

The results of’s annual top 10 list are in; a...

See the Top Ten Paintings for Fall 2016

As seasons change, so do trends. Find out the ten most...

Happy Birthday, Gustav Klimt!

Even 154 years after his birth, Klimt's uniquely decadent artwork remains...

The Top Ten Paintings for Mother’s Day 2016

Online gallery of handmade oil paintings has released the 2016...