edward hopper

Edward Hopper and His Relationship to American Cinema

Edward Hopper is considered one of the most famous American artists...

Celebrate America with Great American Art

As we approach the Fourth of July holiday, we want to...

Top Ten of 2019

As the year draws to a close, we here at overstockArt.com...

Lazy Days Art

As the summer draws to a close, it is easy to...

Edward Hopper is highlight of Ebsworth Collection sold at Christies.

Christie’s Auction House is renowned for its ability to bring in...

Art with Autumn Colors

As the season begins to change, you might feel like giving...

Hopperesque: A Loud Silence

“If you could say it in words there would be no...

Edward Hopper on Display in Both Madrid and Paris

When one thinks of Edward Hopper, a slice of Americana comes...

The Top Ten Oil Paintings for Father’s Day

June 20 is approaching. That means Father's Day. That also means...