Grand Millennial Style: Embrace A Timeless Charm with a Twist of Abstract Art
Grand Millennial style is making waves in the world of interior...
What to Consider When Choosing the Perfect Abstract Art Piece
Right now many people are leaning into the contemporary, abstract art...
View the World Through a Different Lens With Hua Haung
Hua Haung is a Chinese artist who lives and works in...
Marina Venediktova: Modern Abstract with Variety
Marina Venediktova is a Russian artist who works and lives in...
Georgia O’Keeffe Works Finally Find a Paris Home
During the pandemic, many museums found it a struggle to stay...
Elena Soroka: Capturing the Glitch Effect in Abstract Art
Elena Soroka is a Russian artist that creates beautiful abstract art...
Mark Pol – An Abstract Adventurer
Mark Pol is an abstract artist from Amsterdam who enjoys exploring...
Clive Watts: The Abstract Beauty in Composition
Clive Watts is an engineer, painter, and photographer living in Scotland....
Hilma af Klint: A True Abstract Pioneer
Art history is thought to be completely written, with the canon...
Shant Beudjekian: A Deconstructed View of the World
A Lebanese born artist who now lives and works in Southern...
Deliara Yesieva and Modern Pointilism
Originally born in Russia, Deliara Yesieva currently lives and works in...
Allyson Block: Discover the World in the Abstract
Allyson Block is a contemporary American Artist who lives and works...
Abstract Expressionism: Why don’t I “get” abstract art?
What is abstract art? What is the point of it? Many...
The Audacious Abstract Experiments of Joan Llaverias
A professional artist for over 20 years, Llaverias has dedicated most...
Shun Todoroki Named ArtistBe.com’s October Artist of the Month
If finger painting makes you think of preschool play dates you...
Sanjay Punekar Named ArtistBe.com’s July Artist of the Month
Sanjay Punekar is an artist who paints from his inner dreams...
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