Posts by Amitai Sasson:

Picasso, Papa of Cubism

Pablo Picasso is the artist most commonly...

The Modern Art Movements

“What distinguishes modern art from the art...

Movement by Monet

Claude Monet’s life works were impressionist...

Portrait of Modigliani

Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani was born in...

Wassily Kandinsky: Ability to See Sounds and Hear Color

Considered the father of abstract art, the...

Popular and Famous Portraits

The Mona Lisa by Devinci, Bride and Groom by...

Impressionist paintings are suddenly back in vogue

The world’s greatest art collectors met in...

Tips for Blending His and Her Wall Décor in a New Home

A mover’s truck drops off parcels of his and...

Record broken by the Gustav Klimt Portrait

Back in April, I wrote about the miraculous story...

Artist Series: Mark Rothko – Making an Impression

Mark Rothko paintings were heavily influenced by...