Posts by Amitai Sasson:

Steps to Framing an Oil Painting

Framing an oil painting is not cheep, but...

Spotlight on the Lives of 8 Great Artists

The world renowned British professor of history...

Calling in the Pros…

It’s hard to make time to decorate your home....

Cleaning an oil painting after a storm?

I got a question from a reader that I wanted to...

Wall Décor Tips – When Nature Calls

Recall the summer camping trips your parents...

The Real Impressionists

This is a trailer of the...

Fight Boredom with Eccentric Art

Office fluorescent lights, blurring computer...

Salvador Dali – Mixing Film and Oil Paintings

This summer the Tate Museum in London is hosting...

Decorating with Handmade Oil Paintings

Oil paintings have always brought elegance and...

Interior Design Blogs

Elle Décor Editor, Margaret Russell, listed her...