Art & Decor Trends

Wall Décor Tips – When Nature Calls

Landscape oil paintingsRecall the summer camping trips your parents dragged you on?
Vague memories of being crammed in the station wagon, long before the days of DVD to keep you and your brothers from going at it in the back seat. Remember that sleeping bag you had to share with your sister? The mosquito bites? The freezing morning dew? At least the roasted marshmallows were tasty.

Nevertheless, after you were done moaning, you took a look around you and saw nature in all its beauty. The trees around you had a grow-how-ever-you-like glow and each leaf was a palette of colors: browns blended with purples, greens, and yellows. When you were finally back home surrounded by civilization again, you had a new appreciation for natural splendor.

Now you live in a house but you still want to bring a little bit of the forest with you, while keeping the bugs out…

Why not immerse yourself in the outdoors and nature with the most beautiful and life-like landscapes. Wall décor that helps become one with nature: real handmade oil paintings done on canvas. The scenery will bring you back memories of the good old days and the art will add a live piece of nature to your dwelling. So bring the great outdoors into your home with Landscape oil paintings.

All the beauty of nature…without the mosquito bites!

About the Author

Amitai Sasson of is an art world traveler on a mission to seek out the beauty and passion of the art world. As an avid enthusiast of art and oil paintings, he contributes to as Chief editor and writer.