Art World News

Climate Activists Target Another Work of Art and Vandalize a Monet at Musee D’Orsey

The Riposte Alimentaire

The Riposte Alimentaire is a group of environmental activists working to promote more sustainable food production across the world. Most recently, they vandalized Claude Monet’s Poppy Field in Argenteuil at the Musee D’Orsay in Paris, sparking outrage and calls for stricter penalties. For years, they have drawn attention to their cause by vandalizing various works of art in museums across Europe. They also made headlines when they led a protest in front of the painting Liberty Leading the People in the Louvre Museum in Paris, where they applied stickers saying “resisting is vital” to the painting. Although two of the participants were arrested, the group has continued to target art admired by the public. In January of this year, the group targeted the Mona Lisa,, by Leonardo da Vinci, which is protected by glass, by throwing soup at it.

Environmental group Riposte Alimentaire threw soup at the glass-protected Mona Lisa

Activists Target Monet

Now the group has surfaced again and this time it is a popular Impressionist painter they have targeted. Video footage shows group members applying a poster that depicts a scorched filed scene and putting up stickers that say “this nightmarish image awaits us if no alternative is put in place” to Claude Monet’s Poppy Field in Argenteuil or Coquelicots. This piece depicts a mother and child crossing a blooming field of poppies. The piece hangs in the Musee D’Orsey in Paris and is unprotected by glass, allowing the activists access to apply the stickers.

Climate Activists Vandalize Monet at Musee D'Orsay

A Popular Target

Monet’s Coquelicots is part of the Musee D’Orsey’s permanent collection and is currently being displayed as part of the Paris 1874: Inventing Impressionism exhibit. This recent display of vandalism has prompted the French cultural minister, Rachida Dati, to call for the implementation of a new penal policy against these sort of crimes. The head of museum has also filed a formal complaint. Although there was an arrest made after the act of vandalism, at this time, no charges have been brought forward against any member of Riposte Alimentaire.

Claude Monet was a brilliant Impressionist artist. He made it his life’s work to study the effect of changing light on a scene. He especially loved to paint beautiful landscapes at various times of the day. Many of his works can be seen in Paris, but you can also bring one of them into your own home. Just browse our Claude Monet gallery to find the perfect piece to add to your personal collection.

About the Author

Amanda graduated from the University of Kansas, where she studied English literature and got a masters degree in library sciences. She enjoys reading, cooking and playing with her nephews. Her best friend is her little dog Brady.