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Four Easy Steps to Custom Frame Your Oil Paintings.

Why Buy Hand Painted Art

Own a replica of an art masterpiece with our affordably priced oil painting reproductions on canvas of the works of the world's great artists. Our overstockArt gallery includes hand-painted art replicas of Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, De Vinci, Boticceli, Renoir, Klimt, Degas, Hopper, Homer and other renowned painters whose works grace the walls of the world's leading museums. Now they can grace the walls of your home. Our professional artists recreate every brushstroke in oils on canvas to capture the colors, style and texture of the originals. No ordinary print can match the rich details and texture of premium oil paints on gallery-grade canvas that you will enjoy with our certified-authentic 100 percent hand-painted reproductions.

OverstockArt is an American company run by artists and art lovers dedicated to offering art lovers around the world an opportunity to own magnificent art at an affordable price. Every painting is entirely handmade. Shop by artist, subject, color scheme, size or painting style. Our in-house experts have created collections of suggested paintings for each room in your house, as well as for the office. Browse our gift ideas for friends and family members. We also make it easy to choose a frame for your painting. We offer suggested museum-quality frames from our collections to complement each oil painting reproduction. If you order a frame with your painting, we will stretch it to fit the frame at no additional cost. Hanging hardware is included. Sign up free to become a Gallery Insider to receive discounts, home décor advice and new artwork alerts throughout the year. With our 45-day return policy, we guarantee your satisfaction. We offer low-cost shipping worldwide and free shipping for orders within the contiguous United States.

Shop for Art by Color

When choosing a painting for a room, it's absolutely necessary to evaluate the colors used in it. Different colors can evoke varying emotions and set a certain mood when used in decorating. When purchasing a piece of art, evaluating not only the subject and artistic style of the painting is important, but realizing the impact color makes on a room's atmosphere is vital to a room's Feng Shui. Check out the colors below and figure out what type of painting you need.

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